FIORINI Karl (b.1979)
Bagatelle - 5'
Ensemble: 1111/1000/Strings 10111
Cadavre Exquis - 13'
Large Ensemble: Fl(Picc), Ob(CA), 2Cl(BCl), 2Sax, Hn, Tpt, Tbn, Tba, 3 Perc (BD, Glock, Maracas, Marimba, SD, 3Susp.Cym, Timp, T-T, 3Tom-toms, Tr, Vib, Whip, 5WB), Pno, ElecPno, Acc, ElecGtar, BassGtar, 2Sop, Mz, 3Vn, 3Va, 3Vc, DB. (Text Ana Bocanegra Briasco, Emmanuelle Favier, Claudia Gauci)
Dulce et Decorum est - 9'
Wind Orchestra: Picc, 2Fl, Ob, EbCl, 3BbCl, BCl, Bn, ASax, TSax, 4Hn, 3Tpt, 2Tbn, Bar, Euph, EbBass, Tba, Timp, 2 Perc
Giocolieri - c. 5'30"
Wind Ensemble: 3Cl, 2BCl, Hn, 3SSax, 3ASax, 3TSax, BarSax
Harmonies Étendues - 8'
If - 6'
Tenor & Orchestra: 3222/4230/Timp.1Perc (BD, 2Cymb, Tr)/Hp/Strings. (Text Rudyard Kipling)
In girum imus nocte ecce et consumimur igni - 12'
Orchestra: 2+Picc.2.2(BCl).2(Cbsn)/4231/Timp.3Perc/Strings
In the roar of your torrents - c. 9'
Chamber Orchestra: 1(Picc).1.1.1/ (bass drum, snare drum, suspended cymbals, tam-tam, triangle, xylophone)/Pno/Strings (min.
Kennst du das Land? - 12'
Solo Voice & Chamber Orchestra: 1111/1101/Hp/Strings. (Text Goethe)
Maltese Quicky - 7'
String Orchestra
Nachtszenen - 10'
Solo Violin & Ensemble: Fl, Cl, BCl, ASax, Hn, Tba, Pno, Acc, 1Perc (BD, Glock, 2Susp.Cym, 3Tom-toms, Vib)
Of Gods and Dogs - 17'
Soprano, Choir & Orchestra: 3222/4231/Timp.3Perc (BD, 2 Bongos, 2 Congas, 3 Gavels, Glock, SD, Sleigh bells, 5Susp.Cym, Tenor drum, Tamb, T-T, 3Tom-toms, Tr, Tub.Bells, Whip, 5WB, X/Pno/Hp/Strings. (Text Ana Bocanegra Briasco)
Ostinati - 7'
Orchestra: 2222/2220/Percussion/Strings
Pentimenti - 10'
String Orchestra & Percussion
Quatre Miniatures Romaines - 8'
Mezzo Soprano & Orchestra: 2222/2100/Timp/Perc/Strings (text Sophie Charpentier)
Rêves obscurs - 17'
Orchestra: 2222/2110/Timp.1Perc (BD, SD, Susp.Cym, T-T, 2WB, Whip/Strings
Sinfonietta Pro Populo - c.22'
Mezzo Soprano, Unison Chorus & Orchestra: 2(Picc)222/4231/Timp/3Perc/Strings (text Manwel Dimech)
Symphony No.2 - 32'
Orchestra: 3222/4231/Timp.3Perc (BD, 2 Bongos, 2 Congas, Cymbals, Glock, SD, T-T, Tenor drum, 5Tom-toms, Tr, Vib, Whip, X/Hp/Strings
The Auction (Opera) - 55'
Soloists & Orchestra: Auctioneer (Bar), Assistant (Ten), Lot 61 (Sop), Woman Client (Sop), Clients 1, 2 & 3 (3 Ten/3Sop/Mix of both) 1111/1111/Timp.Perc/Pno/Strings. (Text Mario Vella)
Trois Pièces pour Piano et Orchestre - 12'
Solo Piano & Orchestra: 2222/2111/Timp.1Perc (BD, SD, Susp.Cym, T-T, Tr, Vib, Whip, Woodblocks)/Strings
Violin Concerto No.1 - 25'
Solo Violin & Orchestra: 1111/1101/Timp.1Perc (BD, 2 Congas, Glock, Maracas, SD, Susp.Cym, T-T, 5Tom-toms, Tr, Vib, Whip, 5WB, X)/Strings
Violin Concerto No.2 - 25'
Solo Violin & Orchestra: 3333/4321/Timp.3Perc (BD, 2 Bongos, 2 Congas, Cymbals, Glock, Mar, Ratchet, SD, 5Susp.Cymb, Tenor drum, T-T, 5Tom-toms, Tr, Vib, Whip, 5WB, X)/Hp/Strings
Weinende Frau - 8'
String Orchestra